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Glenn Ryan

5 years younger, 7.7kgs lighter, and enjoying strength training!

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Client from Surrey Hills | Trainer: Joel Matherson

Before IMG_7047_Ashild Tessnes_Glenn Ryan_before
After IMG_7047_Ashild Tessnes_Glenn Ryan_after

Tell us about life before joining Vision?
I am way beyond retirement age, am a part owner in a vocational training business, so still working and taking responsibility but not full-time. I have kept fit most of my adult years but have fallen off the fitness wagon. From time to time, I try exercising only to get myself back into shape again and again. 2014 was a bit of a watershed year for me I had a serious health scare in June, and courtesy of a series of events in November ended up in the Intensive Care Unit (ICU).

From that time, I resolved to get myself fit and healthy and changed my diet to lose weight gradually and permanently, by eating fresh food, minimising processed and takeaway food, and incorporating exercise and activity into my life every day. Bike riding, walking, public transport, rowing machine, gardening, and eschewing the car wherever possible. No resistance training though. I set a target weight to achieve 65 kg which is what I was back in my twenties, and I decided to get there in stages.

By the time 2023 came around, I was in pretty good shape but still had not reached my goal weight of 65kg. While I managed to bring it down to 70kg at times, I struggled to maintain it, especially during extended holiday periods when it would often spike back up to 75kg. I noticed that most of the excess weight was concentrated around my torso, and I was keen to shed it without sacrificing muscle mass, which tends to be a challenge as we age. Despite being disciplined, I struggled to stay consistent with resistance training on my own and I needed help.

What impact has Vision Surrey Hills had on your life since achieving your amazing results?
I am feeling and looking happier and healthier and feeling confident I can maintain this as I get older.

What results have you achieved there?
I had friends who got stronger and lost weight on the Vision program. They had good things to say about Vision, so I decided to give it a try with the aim of increasing my strength and losing that flab around my torso. Since September 2023 I have been doing the resistance program for 30 minutes two days per week, keeping my food diary, adjusting my food intake to meet the targets and maintaining my activity level on top of the resistance training. The results have been amazing. I am feeling a lot stronger, my torso flab has visibly reduced, and my body fat has reduced from 20.1% in September 2023 to 15.1% in April 2024. Whilst it wasn’t easy getting this result, I am now finding it fairly easy to maintain. I put this down to the discipline with the food and activity diaries, learning what foods to incorporate to get the best result, the weekly weigh-ins, and the gentle encouragement of the trainers. I still have about 2 - 3 kg to lose but I feel confident I will get there in 2024.

What are some defining moments during your journey?
The photos as I have progressed. Identifying the small things that would make a significant impact on my weight. My blood pressure readings are lower. I am enjoying the resistance training, The 30-minute sessions do not leave me feeling sore or drained for the rest of the day.

What advice would you give someone who is currently thinking about taking a positive step towards changing their health and fitness?
It’s a challenge well worth taking. Look at the photos of yourself, keep the food and activity diary regularly and accurately, set modest goals you can achieve, persist, and don’t be impatient, if you have a bad day move on and try and make the next day a good one.

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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