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How to overcome excuses

Here at Vision PT, our Trainers will help you with strategies that guarantee success and reduce the room for excuses. Get in touch with us today.
Weight Loss Articles
Weight Loss Articles

By Lisa Gilderoy

Excuse #1 - Im too tired to exercise when I get home from work/school

If you are a couch potato when you get home, take your exercise clothes to work and go straight to the Studio.  Alternatively, change your workouts to the morning and shower at the Studio.

Excuse #2 - I can't find a whole hour in my day to devote to exercise

Who says you must do an hour??  30 minutes of exercise is equally as effective if done properly.  You can also split it throughout the day, 20 minutes walk at lunch, 25 minutes of strength in the morning or night if needs be.  Its all about doing something than nothing.  Interval and Tabata training is useful for short periods of time and as effective as a long lower to moderate training session, if not more.

Excuse #3 - I travel too much to have time to exercise

Even on the road you can exercise, most hotels have fitness facilities or ask reception for a local map and go for a walk and explore.  An early morning 20-30 minute workout will set you up for the day.  Alternatively, pack a resistance band or travel yoga mat and workout in your room.  Ask your Trainer to write you a plan for you to follow when you are away or jump on VVT (Vision Virtual Training) and follow your weights or cardio session you would normally do with your trainer.

Excuse #4 - I have so little time to myself that I'd rather spent it with my family/friends/kids

Having friends is important to your overall health and well being and so is getting enough exercise!  Combine the two and workout together, invite a friend to Group Training (we can give you a couple of passes) or organise to walk/run together.  The same goes with the family, train with them at the Studio or organise active outings together, bike rides, mini golf, bowling, as its good for everyone to develop healthy habits.

Excuse #5 - Its dark when I get home, so theres no good time to go for a walk

Come to the Studio and walk on the treadmill. Its warm, the Trainers are fun and there is always music to motivate you.

Lisa Gilderoy

GM Vision Personal Training Lindfield

*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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