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Top tips when eating out

We all love to eating out. Let Vision PT show you their top tips for when you plan to eat out without falling off track and losing sight of your goals
Health & Nutrition Articles
Health & Nutrition Articles

By Ryan Bartlett at Surrey Hills

There can be so many choices when eating out, that it can be hard to choose the best one for you. However, with the increased number of restaurants and food chains offering healthy options on their menus it has become a lot easier than it used to be to dine out and stay on track to your desired personal goals.

Here are a few key rules to follow when faced with the somewhat daunting task of ordering form the menu.

1. Order with familiarity

If you know that your usual serving of chicken is one breast, or your steak size is 200 grams then order something based on that. If nachos and pizza are not in the plan then steer clear from the temptations.

2. Make sure your meal is high protein

Keep your meal choice based on a high-protein portion of high-quality meat and a selection of vegetables. A chicken breast salad with dressing on the side is a common option on most menus and is usually the safest choice.

3. Say 'no' to extras

If a meal on the menu is described as 'saucy', 'creamy' or 'fried', avoid it. Also if your meal comes with extras piled on the side ask for yours without. If your order comes with fries make the CHOICE to ask for none!

4. Order a side of vegetables or salad

To give you the impression that you are eating a lot more when two plates come out instead of one, look for the side servings menu to see whether there is an option for fresh vegetables or a side salad. Pass on the garlic bread starter and load up on the greens.

5. Choose sparkling water

Often, when we are out, we give in to peer pressure as we feel left out and limited to 'boring' choices. If tap water is too dull for the occasion, order a refreshing sparkling water and a slice of lemon or lime

6. Prepare in advance

When you know you will be eating out, try to have a look online for the menu of your chosen restaurant. Give yourself plenty of time beforehand (when you're not hungry) and aren't under the pressure of your friends telling you not to worry, to make a good decision about what to order and ensure you order first. You could even send across the menu to your Personal Trainer if you are unsure and need some advice.


Sticking to your food and nutrition goals does not have to be difficult. Just follow these guidelines and you can enjoy the company of your friends and family, without failing to stay on plan. Your new eating habits, discipline and willpower will only get you so far. Be prepared for temptation and stick to what you know.


*Disclaimer: Individual results vary based on agreed goals. Click here for details.

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